Blog Post

15 Quick Divorce Facts

Bob Leonard Law Group, PLLC

Aug 24, 2022


From our experience, divorces increase around this time of year. Divorces effects almost everyone. Directly or indirectly, most of us at least know someone who has been divorced.

We've gathered 15 interesting divorce facts from our research and experience.

1 - January is considered “divorce month” but we also see a spike of divorces in August.

2 -  Worldwide, grounds for divorce and common reasons for divorce share similarities. According to records from the United Nations and other world organizations, the most common reasons for divorce are:

  • Infidelity (18%)
  • Drug and/or alcohol abuse (9%)
  • Physical and/or mental abuse (6%)
  • By 44% , the most common reason for divorce, is incompatibility, or simply growing apart. 

3 - If both you and your partner have had previous marriages, you are 90% more likely to get divorced.

4 - The United States has the 6th highest divorce rate in the world. 

5 - Some researchers estimate that 41% of all first marriages end in divorce.

6 - 60% percent of second marriages end in divorce.

7 - 73% of all third marriages end in divorce.

8 - According to CDC studies, the average first marriage lasts 8 years. 

9 - There are 5,975,768 divorces over the course of an average first marriage that ends in divorce (8 years).

10 - 48% of those who marry before the age of 18 are likely to divorce within 10 years, compared to 25 percent of those who marry after the age of 25.

11 - Those who wait to marry until they are over 25 years old are 24 percent less likely to get divorced.

12 - If your parents are happily married, your risk of divorce decreases by 14 percent.

13 - According to one study, if you met your spouse in high school, college, or grad school, you are 41 percent less likely to get divorced.

14 - Studies at the University of California and Brown University reported that when a married person works with someone who is in the process of divorcing, it increases the married person chances of divorce by 75%.

15 - An article in the New York Times stated that – of couples who seek marriage counseling – 38% end up divorced just two years later.

For help with your divorce from an expert law attorney, contact us today.

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