Blog Post

10 Things To Tell Your Legal Team

Bob Leonard Law Group, PLLC

Mar 20, 2015

Tell Your Legal Team Everything (Remember, What You Tell Your Attorney is Privileged):  

Top 10 things you don’t keep from your legal team:

Tell Your Legal Team:

Tell Your Legal Team

Tell Your Legal Team Everything: No Secrets!

10. That you have been convicted of any crime;

9. That you take any drugs whether prescription or illegal drugs;

8. That you have had mental health problems in the past;

7. That you are currently under the care of a mental health professional;

6. That you have other children, not currently in this case;

5. That you are hiding or have hidden assets;

4. That you have ever disparaged or talked poorly of your children’s other parent in front

of the children.

3. That you have violated a court order;

2. That you have accessed a computer of a spouse without their permission

(hacked into it); or

1. That you have shared sensitive information about your case with your children and or the other

party’s family or friends.

These are issues that many attorneys find hard to deal with AFTER the fact. As a paralegal in a prestigious law firm, I have seen many people not tell our attorneys or staff these things and it puts our attorneys at a disadvantage. If the attorney’s know ahead of time, then, more often than not, they are able to dissuade the situation.

There is nothing worse than to be standing in the Courtroom and have your client, in open Court tell something to the Judge that they either denied or never divulged to the legal team.   Bottom Line:  Tell Your Legal Team Everything!

It’s always wise to consider your legal team your confidant.

help your legal team help you.

help your legal team help you.

Believe me when I say, we have heard it all. But, without the information ahead of time, i.e., right before a hearing let’s say, you put yourself at a disadvantage right away when there is information that is damaging to you or your case and your legal team is not aware of it.

So before you head down the wrong road, pull one of our amazing legal team members aside and share your “dirty laundry.” Not only will you be glad that we knew ahead of time, if you tell you legal team ahead of time, it can help prevent one of those “Perry Mason” moments that sink your ship before it has left the dock!


Your  Confidential Information  is safe with your attorney.



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